Thursday, 3 May 2012

Project sources health overview: HoTo?


 Nowadays a lot of developers uses modern and popular tools that performs static code analysis, calculate code coverage and etc. All of this provides possibility to keep projects in fit. Still I it was not enough for me and I was thinking about how to check project sources health. Finally I found simple way to do this basing on the activity that developers produce within the project for a period of time.


 What are the tools used in every day development? Version control system where all the source go + bug tracking system. Each sources change (or most of them) is committed into version control using messages that usually defines the issue number basing on which anyone could check what was the real task. Most of the tasks/issues have 'Bug' or 'New Feature' type. Final my idea was to gather statistics on each source file to find out how many changes are committed into it basing on certain issue type, i.e. Bug or New Features. This give the overview how 'healthy' the source is and whether it requires closer look and potential refactoring.


 Finally I wrote a console tool using Java + Mavenhg4j that analyzes project source files that are placed into Mercurial repository and whole development process is organized using Jira. See more details here.

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